I Want to Give up My Baby for Adoption.

I Want to Give up My Baby for Adoption.

Where do I turn? There are so many options of agencies and attorneys to choose from. How do I make the right choice? Should I wait until I am further along in my pregnancy or should I call someone now? Will these people judge me when I say I want to give up my baby for adoption? Will the person on the other end of the phone really understand what I’m going through? These are the questions that run through the mind of any woman considering placing her baby for adoption. I have worked with many, many birth moms over the years that after meeting with us and getting to know us, have shared with me the hesitation they felt about making that first call to our firm. So many wish they had done it earlier and avoided so much worry and fear! When you call our office, you will have the opportunity to speak with someone that really understands what you are going through and can take you through the steps of making an adoption plan for your child. . We will explain the process to you and give you the information you need to get the process started. I’ve found that each situation is different and requires different types of help and support. We do our best to identify your needs and immediately start the process of meeting those needs. Perhaps you need help with transportation getting to your medical appointments or to meet with us. Or maybe you prefer we come to you. We can arrange either of these things. Perhaps you are considering giving your baby up for adoption due to your financial situation and are in need of help with living expenses. Under the law there are specific things we can help you with and we will discuss those with you. Perhaps you just need someone to talk to and help you put the idea of placing your baby for adoption into perspective. We are here to meet you anywhere you are in the process of choosing adoption. If you’ve just discovered you are facing an unplanned pregnancy or have just given birth to a baby you know you are not ready to parent, you can text, call or email us and we will respond immediately at any time, even nights and weekends. We are a small firm where you will get to know us personally and in fact wish you had called us sooner!